Sunday, February 6, 2011

Get Energy - Denise Austin

I have been reading Get Energy by Denise Austin off and on for the last couple of weeks now. I was expecting sound advice on exercising and eating right, but I was pleasantly surprised by the wider scope Austin has taken. In fact she herself states that Get Energy is not an exercise book, but is a "book about empowering your body and loving your life and tapping into the volcano of energy within you . Energy involves not just what you eat and how often you move, but how you think, how you choose to feel, and how well you take care of yourself, body, mind and spirit." Having been sick a lot this winter and being sick of winter, I found her advice quite constructive and motivating. Just what I needed to give myself a kick start to revisit my goals.

The book starts off with a look at what is zapping your energy, with some great questions. Based on your answers, some of the following chapters are recommended for the areas you need to focus on the most.  But I found all of them worth reading.  Changing your outlook, balancing life, finding pleasure in every day and powering up at midlife were the chapters I most identified with.

The third part of the book is a great two week plan, laid out with suggestions and alternatives to change your existing habits to ones that will help invigorate you throughout the day. This section is great and one I'm going to utilize.

There is a section on stretching included as well as some interesting little 'revive in five' and peace pocket boxes scattered throughout the book with great ideas to stop and revitalize in a short amount of time.

I really enjoyed this book and will be rereading it again and certainly putting into practice many of the positive ideas presented. Most of them are simple and doable. We just have to start!

 Read an excerpt of Get Energy.

You can find Denise on her website, Twitter and Facebook.

And thanks to The Hachette Book Group, I had three copies of this wonderful book to giveaway. Those winners are:

1. cookster 77
2. jholden
3. ladydoor1

I've contacted you by email for your mailing addresses. Please respond within 72 hours. Thanks to all who entered - check the sidebar for ongoing giveaways.

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